Friday, November 5, 2010

InsyaAllah...You'll find your way....

Happy deepavali to my friends..
i was so bored..arini xtau nak watpe..rase nk g cuti lame je..
now searching for a new job...
i feel so fiancee also feel the same....why???
i dunno....must be sumthing wrong...
ya Allah..bantulah hamba mu ini...
i'm going to do online business...
hantaran perkahwinan
i hope everything will be fine...
i'm waiting for a new day...
tiber2 teringat lagu Maher Zain..''InsyaAllah....InsyaAllah...'ll fine ur way....''
Amin....hopefully i'll find my way...
semoge ape yg dilakukan olehku akn dirahmati oleh mu Ya Allah....