Sunday, May 16, 2010

bOLeH kE KaLo SoRAng AwEk aDe dUe BoYfReN??

Haha...bikin kecoh..
1 of my frens asked me wether can have 2 boyfrens at a time..
da tentu la aku advise xbole..
xbaik wat org camtu..sok kalo2 boyfren die ade 2 gf amacam??
kite balek kene..hukhuk..
bukan ape..setie la pade yg 1..kan ke baik utk diri kite kan...
melainkan kalo ade yg rase xtahan dgn perangai boyfren yg 1 tu xbole watpe lar..
but pikir dulu sebelum bertindak!chewah(ala2 pakar motivasi)
pk la dulu nape ko couple dgn die and pk kan balek mase mule2 ko jumpe die dulu...
mesti ade bende yg wat ko terpikat..senyumannye ke..misainye ker..kebaikannye ker..hehe
must have a reason.reasonable reason.hehe
but my fren tu just kidding ajer..she only ask my I will say NO.

Neway, aku nak share sket experience lawan badminton malam smalam dgn bebudak opis..
haha..gilerr...aku benci dikalahkan!maybe perasaan tu bekobar2 sgt kot sblm nak lawan..
pastu terlalu nak menang..
so skg aku dapat rase ape yg dato' lee chong wei rase or lain2 team malaysia yg lawan dgn china aritu.ceett!!sdeh siot..rase xpuas ati sgt bile xpe ar..anggap je xde rezki...
lain hari ade lagi..;)
apelagi tunang aku..kesian die...tension gak tu
tbe2 ter'emo' smlm..xcaye cube tye ajip and pejal.(kan?kan?kan?)jgn marah ye abg..haha..
papepn yg perlu korang tau, bile nk memulakan sesuatu pertandingan:

1) jgn gopoh
2) mesti ade kerjasama
3) semangat tu mau ade
4) latihan yg cukup..hehe
5) yg paling penting niat kite....;)

so stop dulu stakat nih
will be back soon..


Love seeing you here said...

i knw sp tye soklan cepu emas tu ,jgn bgtau org yea*wink ;)

Lilis Selection said...

haha..u know its ok..
at last..